
Peer-reviewed publications

  • Bettin, Steffen S.; 2020. Electricity infrastructure and innovation in the next phase of energy transition—amendments to the technology innovation system framework. Review of Evolutionary Political Economy [REPE Best Paper Award 2020/2021]

  • Christensen, Toke Haunstrup; Friis, Freja; Bettin, Steffen; Throndsen, William; Ornetzeder, Michael; Skjølsvold, Tomas Moe; Ryghaug, Marianne; 2020. The role of competences, engagement, and devices in configuring the impact of prices in energy demand response: Findings from three smart energy pilots with households; Energy Policy

  • Bettin, Steffen; Glötzl, Florentin; Theine, Hendrik; 2019. Strategische Perspektiven für die Zukunft des Pluralismus. In: D., Petersen (Hrsg.), Perspektiven einer pluralen Ökonomik. Wirtschaft + Gesellschaft; Wiesbaden: Springer VS.

Policy Reports to Parliaments

  • EPRS 2024. The role of research and innovation in ensuring a safe and sustainable supply of critical raw materials in the EU. Report to the Panel for the Future of Science and Technology (STOA) of the European Parliament [Study Link]

  • Allhutter, Doris; Bettin, Steffen; Brunner, Helfried; Kleinferchner, Julia; Krieger-Lamina, Jaro; Ornetzeder, Michael; Strauß, Stefan. Sichere Stromversorgung und Blackout-Vorsorge in Österreich - Entwicklungen, Risiken und mögliche Schutzmaßnahmen Endberich Januar 2022. Bericht-Nr. ITA-AIT-17; Institut für Technikfolgen-Abschätzung/Austrian Institute of Technology: Wien [Download]

  • Ornetzeder, Michael; Bettin, Steffen; Wasserbacher, Dana (2019) Zwischenspeicher der Zukunft für elektrische Energie Endbericht Juni 2019. Bericht-Nr. ITA-AIT-9; Institut für Technikfolgen-Abschätzung/Austrian Institute of Technology: Wien [Download]


Work in progress

  • With Michael Ornetzeder and Titus Udrea “The social comes first: social-technical configurations in the heat transition”

Co-authors websites

Toke H. Christensen - Aalborg University

Michael Dorsch - Central European University

Freja Friis - Aalborg University

Michael Ornetzeder - Austrian Academy of Sciences

Thomas M Skjølsvold - NTNU Trondheim

Hendrik Theine - WU Vienna University of Economics and Business

William Throndsen - NTNU Trondheim

Titus Udrea - Austrian Academy of Sciences